Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Shutter Island

Martin Scorsese's new film Shutter Island is number one at the box office right now and is well liked by viewer's and critics alike. It tells the story of a young detective who goes to investigate the disappearance of a young woman from an insane asylum on Shutter Island. Once there he realizes that there are some really strange things going on at Shutter Island. Including some medical experiments and dangerously insane inmates who are locked up in cell block C. The plot is a little strange but is very interesting and entertaining.
The young detective, Teddy Daniels, is played by Leonardo DiCaprio. This is DiCaprio's fourth movie with the famous director Martin Scorsese. Many say that this movie is one of Scorsese's worse. I cannot comment on that because I have only seen one other movie by Scorsese, The Aviator. But I do think that The Aviator was far worse than Shutter Island, because I actually liked Shutter Island. But anyway, Leonardo DiCaprio is an amazing actor as usual and plays the part perfectly, with extreme emotion and realism. The touching story also create a very emotional movie. DiCaprio, however, isn't the only great actor from the film. Ben Kingsly does an equally good job playing the lead doctor at the asylum.
Shutter Island is one part crime thriller and one part artistic statement. It teeters between mainstream thrills and drama and artistic flashbacks and dream sequences that are not only beautifully done, but are essential to the main plot, so pay close attention! There are also many shocking and thrilling scenes because, truly, there is nothing scarier than a crazy person. I wouldn't necessarily call Shutter Island a horror movie, but it does shock.
Since the movie is so new, I won't give away the ending. But I must say something. This movie is full of twists and turns that will keep the viewer on the edge of their seat and guessing till the very last shot. However, the ending is somewhat predictable. And when I say somewhat, I truly mean somewhat. While watching the movie I guessed part of the ending. However, J guessed another part of the ending. Together we figured out a good bit of the ending, but still not all. And that's one of the things that makes this movie good. You may be able to figure out part of the ending but I honestly doubt that anyone could figure out every last bit.


1 comment:

  1. It was a block buster movie. the story is bit different yet entertaining too. The actions scenes were superb. I enjoyed it very much.
