Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Devil's Rejects

Spoiler Alert!

A throwback to the gritty, 1970's style of horror movies, Rob Zombie's The Devil's Rejects is a horror masterpiece. A sequel to House of 1000 Corpses, The Devil's Rejects revolves around a family of murderers who have a love for brutality and gore. After escaping from the police, two of the killers contact their father and began a trip to find a hiding place. Along the way they stop at a cheap motel where the come across a family of performers. It is here that the movie picks up the pace and becomes the truly brutal and disturbing film Zombie intended it to be. The killers begin to torture their victims in odd ways. One of the killers, Otis takes the men out for a walk to find some hidden guns while he talks about what he intends to do with them. It is here where I fell in love with the movie. Zombie's use of dialogue is absolutely brilliant! Blending brutality and humor, Zombie creates two killers with whom the audience can actually connect. I did not fear either of the killers; I was intrigued by them. And yet, I was disgusted by them. Their methods of torture were so sadistic and crazy. They even skinned a man and made his wife wear his face. It was absolutely gross but beautiful at the same time. That scene made this movie a horror masterpiece! But if you have a weak stomach you should probably close your eyes because the level of gore just continues to increase from here.
The plot twists around and around causing the viewer to feel as if they were on a rollar coaster. With beautiful filming and an incredible use of music that juxtaposes the brutality of the scene, Zombie creates a dark and twisted slasher flick that may cause laughing and even some gagging.


1 comment:

  1. A genre masterpiece and the best movie I've seen all year. If Zombie keeps this up he will become a force to be reckoned with in the horror genre.
