Sunday, June 28, 2009

10 Best Horror Movies From the Last 10 Years

As anyone who has read this blog can see, I love to watch horror movies. After reading a post like this on another site, I realized I should make one of my own with the movies that I think are the best. Instead of trying to explain why I love these movies I'll just give you a quote from each movie that may help to explain why I love it. So here it goes: The 10 Best Horror Movies From the Last 10 Years.

10. The Last House on the Left (2009)
Directed by: Dennis Iliadis

"John Collingwood: Hi.
Krug: What is this? I can't move.
John Collingwood: You're paralyzed from the neck down. [shows knife]
John Collingwood: I didn't have any rope, or duct tape."

9. The Hills Have Eyes (2006)
Directed by: Alexandre Aja

"Between 1945 and 1962 the United States conducted 331 atmospheric nuclear test. Today, the government still denies the genetic effects caused by the radioactive fallout... "
8. The Orphanage (El Orfanato) (2007)
Directed by: Juan Antonio Bayona

All quotes are in Spanish so here's the movie's tagline: A tale of love. A story of horror.

7. The Blair Witch Project (1999)
Directed by: Daniel Myrick and Eduardo Sánchez

"Heather Donahue: I just want to apologize to Josh's mom, and Mike's mom, and my mom. I am so sorry! Because it was my fault. I was the one who brought them here. I was the one that said "keep going south." I was the one who said that we were not lost. It was my fault, because it was my project. I am so scared! I don't know what's out there. We are going to die out here! I am so scared!"

6. Halloween (2007)
Directed by: Rob Zombie

"Laurie Strode: [crying] Was that the boogeyman?
Dr. Samuel Loomis: As a matter of fact... I do believe it was."

5. Saw (2004)

Directed by: James Wan

"John: I'm sick from the disease eating away at me inside...
Kerry: [flashback] Sounds like our friend Jigsaw.
John: I'm sick of people who don't appreciate their blessings...
Kerry: [flashback] ... looks like our guy like's to book himself front row seats to his own sick little games
John: Hello Mark,Paul, Amanda,Zepp, Adam, Dr.Gordon.
John: I want to play a game."
4. All the Boys Love Mandy Lane (2006)

Directed by: Jonathan Levine

Red: "There she is boys, Mandy Lane. Untouched, pure. Since the dawn of junior year men have tried to possess her, and to date all have failed. Some have even died in their reckless pursuit of this angel."
3. The Strangers (2008)

Directed by: Bryan Bertino

"Mormon Boy: Are you a sinner?
Killer: Sometimes."

2. Final Destination (2000)

Directed by: James Wong

"Tod Waggner: We say that the hour of death cannot be forecast. But when we say this, we imagine that the hour is placed in an obscure and distant future. It never occurs to us that it has any connection with the day already begun, or that death could arrive this same afternoon - this afternoon which is so certain, and which has every hour filled in advance."

1. The Devil's Rejects (2005)

Directed by: Rob Zombie

"Otis: Consider me f*****' Willy f*****' Wonka! This is my f****** chocolate factory! You got it? My factory!"

There you have it! My picks for the top ten horror movies from the last 10 years.


  1. Final Destination.... you know it girl :)

  2. Oh man I have just seen the Final destination. It was amazing and this movie scared me a lot. Few of the movies listed above I just have heard the name, and I got a list to watch out them all next. Thanks.
