Sunday, August 2, 2009

Lesbian Vampire Killers

Director Phil Claydon’s Lesbian Vampire Killers is a work of genius. I never thought I would say that about something with such a lurid title, but I will say it again, Lesbian Vampire Killers is amazing. Freshly dumped Jimmy and his friend Fletch go on a hiking holiday in order to have some fun, and maybe get laid. Unfortunately, they pick Cragwich as their destination, a small village that happens to be overrun by the titular lesbian vampires. Apparently, the evil vampire queen Carmella has placed a curse on the village, that when every village girl turns eighteen, they are turned into vampires, until the last of the line of Carmella’s archfoe vampire hunter family is prophesied to return and end the curse once and for all. Unfortunately for Jimmy and Fletch, Jimmy happens to be that last heir.

I wanted to see this movie as soon as I saw the trailer a few months ago. Go ahead, just say the title aloud and see how many heads pop up. Who wouldn’t want to see a movie with that kind of title. That aside though, the movie was better than I thought it would be. I was laughing aloud every other minute while watching, it was so funny. The writing especially was excellent, with many witty one-liners, especially from Fletch, and excellent dialog and story. Stuart Williams and Paul Hupfield really did an exemplary job on this script, I want to see anything else these guys write. David Higgs did a really great job with the camera work. Being a lower budget movie, the cinematography could make or break it, and here it really was excellent. Everything looked crisp and bright, the opposite of what you normally see in a movie that takes place largely at night and in a graveyard. Phil Claydon’s directing was brilliant. The acting was another place where this movie shown. Though I had never heard of any of the actors in this movie, I want to see anything else they make. Every single person in this film put their heart into their job as an actor, putting in outstanding performances. James Corden as Fletch is especially worth a mention. The style of this movie reminded me greatly of another brilliant horror-comedy, Shaun of the Dead. Both movies are brilliant and combine horror and comedy perfectly.

What else can I say? If you love horror or comedy, you must give this movie a look. Don’t pass it over just because of the title. There are only two things wrong with this movie. The first is that I’m probably not going to go around proclaiming it as one of my favorite movies of the year, just because I’m too embarrassed to say the title to anyone’s face. The second, and even bigger thing wrong is that there is too little of it. I want more, much more.


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